About Us

The Church School is a resource for congregations of all sizes who want to deliver high quality religious education at an affordable cost. We are a father-child team dedicated to serving your church’s needs at a time when good pastoral care is hard to find and budgets are increasingly lean. Our debut offering is an online confirmation course that provides theologically sound, engaging materials to your congregation’s youth and removes the administrative burden from your volunteers. We are also working on several additional courses on church administration from call committees to constitution creation to fundraising best practices to help your congregation run more smoothly.

We believe in making religious education affordable. Our base rate for 2024-2025 Confirmation is just a dollar per kid per year. If you have more to give, our sponsor rate is $5/kid/year, which enables us to provide free education to congregations that do not have financial capacity. 

Contact us to learn more! 

Dwight Anderson is an ELCA ordained pastor who has served for more than 30 years. He completed his religious training at Luther Seminary and is currently co-head pastor at the Tomorrow River Lutheran Parish in Central Wisconsin. He’s a father of four and bakes the best angel food cake in the world. Else Anderson is a multimedia producer and writer who lives in Brooklyn, New York. They love their dad. 

If you would like to know more about our parish, you can find the link to our website here.
